Dr. Michael Walsh received his MD, internal medicine and nephrology training at the University of Calgary. He then completed a MSc in Clinical Epidemiology and a research fellowship in lupus and vasculitis at the University of Cambridge followed by a second fellowship and a PhD in Health Research Methodology at McMaster University. He is now an Assistant Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. His research interests are in systemic autoimmune diseases, particularly ANCA associated vasculitis, chronic kidney disease, and end-stage renal disease with a focus on prospective studies and clinical trials to evaluate risk markers, understand pathophysiology, and develop effective treatment strategies. He is member of several research groups including the European Vasculitis Research Group (EUVAS), the Vasculitis Clinics Research Consortium (VCRC), the Clinical Advances through Research and Information Translation (CLARITY), and the Population Health Research Institute (PHRI). Dr. Walsh is the recipient of numerous research grants and awards and supervises graduate students through the Health Research Methods program.
- Program to Evaluate End-stage renal disease Treatments (PREVENT): this program studies promising therapies to reduce symptoms associated with ESRD and improve survival. Systematic reviews, pilot trials and large clinical trials are part of this program and include the PHASE-1 trial of eplerenone vs placebo in prevalent dialysis patients, and the TARGET trial of intense vs. liberal serum phosphate control in prevalent dialysis patients.
- Hemodialysis Outcomes and Symptoms assessment (HOST) Program: this program evaluates the relationship between physiological changes induced by the dialysis process and the risk of post dialysis symptoms and mortality. Of particular interest is the relationship between dialysis induced hypotension and ischemia-reperfusion injuries of the heart and brain and their subsequent effects on patient well-being.
- Vasculitis program: this program evaluates risk factors for resistant and relapsing disease as well as optimal management of these uncommon autoimmune diseases. This program includes the PEXIVAS trial, the world’s largest trial in ANCA associated vasculitis.
From Google Scholar, http://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=tp4dVH4AAAAJ